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A binary operation (Delta) is defined on the set of real numbers, R, by (a…

A binary operation (Delta) is defined on the set of real numbers, R, by (a Delta b = frac{a+b}{sqrt{ab}}), where a(neq) 0, b(neq) 0. Evaluate (-3 Delta -1).

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
Correct Answer: Option B

(a Delta b) = (frac{a+b}{sqrt{ab}})

(-3Delta -1) = (frac{-3 + -1}{sqrt{-3times -1}})

(frac{-4}{sqrt{3}}), rationalising, we have

(frac{-4 times sqrt{3}}{sqrt{3}times sqrt{3}} = frac{-4sqrt{3}}{3})