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What is Chart in Excel? What are the different types of Charts in Excel?

What is Chart in Excel? What are the different types of Charts in Excel?


Charts allow presenting data entered in the worksheet in a visual format using a variety of graph types.

Before making a chart, first, enter data into a worksheet.

Column Charts: They compare distinct items. In this chart category axis is horizontal (Xaxis) and the value axis is vertical (Y-axis). It is important to keep the number of series in a column chart to a minimum. Many series cause the column to become narrow and difficult to analyze. Column charts are used for making comparisons.

Bar Charts: Compare different items or show single items at different intervals. It is similar to a column chart except that the chart value axis is horizontal (X-axis) and the category axis is vertical (Y-axis).

Area Charts: They show the relative contributions of each value to a total over time.

Line Charts: These charts are useful to compare the trends over time.

Pie Charts: The chart shows the proportion of each part value to the total value in a data series. They are used to show proportional sales figures or representation of different categories of the population like workers/non-workers, male/female, adults/children, etc.