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Describe how Ḥajj is performed.

Describe how Ḥajj is performed.


There are three forms of Hajj: Tamattu, Ifraad and Qiran. For the purpose of this Hajj guide, we will use the Tamattu form of Hajj, which is what the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) encouraged his followers to perform.

Before you arrive at Makkah to start Hajj, it’s important to make your intention (niyah) within your heart. The intention must be to perform the Hajj for the sake of Allah alone, with a desire for the Hereafter. It should not be done with the intention of being seen among others or for worldly gain.

Next, you’ll enter into the state of ihram (ritual purity). For men, this means wearing the designated white cloth with one piece wrapped around your shoulder and one around your waist. Ladies can wear any clothing of their choice but should ensure they observe the rules of hijab. Face coverings, however, are not permitted. Fully-covering shoes are also not permitted. Footwear must be in the form of sandals for both men and women.

In Ihram designated white cloth

Ihram is the spiritual state you enter once you have made the intention to go to Hajj. When over three million pilgrims descend into Makkah, there should not be any outwardly distinction between pilgrims. Everyone stands equal in the eyes of Allah (SWT), whether you’re rich or poor and irrespective of ethnicity. Hence, the rules around the clothing of Ihram are extremely simple, yet strict and must be adhered to.

Throughout these holy days, we should also be particularly mindful of our behaviour and words. We should avoid smoking, engaging in sexual relations, swearing, shaving our hair and cutting our nails. We must also not use perfume or scented soaps.

Once you arrive at the holy Masjid al-Haram, in Makkah, you’re then ready to start the biggest spiritual journey of your life!

Tip: Carry a spare set of ihram if you can. As for sandals, I recommend investing in a decent pair of trekking sandals. They tend to be the most comfortable and practical, given that you will be walking long distances on tarmac as well as gravel. Try to get used to your sandals before you depart for Saudi so that you don’t break out in blisters or face discomfort once there.