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Given the values below: find the value of m

Given that (frac{6x+m}{2x^{2}+7x-15} equiv frac{4}{x+5} – frac{2}{2x-3}), find the value of m.

  • A.
  • B.
  • C.
  • D.
Correct Answer: Option D

Taking the LCM of the right hand side of the equation, we have

(frac{4(2x-3) – 2(x+5)}{(x+5)(2x-3)} = frac{6x+m}{2x^{2}+7x-15})

Comparing the numerators, we have

(4(2x-3) – 2(x+5) = 6x+m)

(8x-12-2x-10 = 6x -22 = 6x + m)

(implies m = -22)