Home » Civic Education » (a) Define orderliness (b) State six ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society.   

(a) Define orderliness (b) State six ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society.   

(a) Define orderliness

(b) State six ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society. 


(a) Definition of Orderliness; Orderliness is the quality or habit of appreciating and systematic way with the aim of achieving set goals. It is the condition where things follow laid down procedures or are properly arranged.

(b) Six ways of exhibiting orderliness in the society:

(i) Decorum in habits, relations, actions, programmes at the bus stop.

(ii) Queuing Culture by obeying rules that promotes orderliness like queuing at the ATM points.

(iii) Obeying traffic regulations or rules when driving.

(iv) Listening skills and politeness in the public.

(v) Tolerance of oppositions i.e, tolerating opposing views, religions and social critics.

(vi) Due process and justice; allowing thing to follow their proper order.