Home » Civic Education » (a) List three features of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria. (b) Highlight four significance of…

(a) List three features of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria. (b) Highlight four significance of…

(a) List three features of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.

(b) Highlight four significance of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.


(a) Features of 1999 Constitution of Nigeria;

i. The constitution is written in a single document

ii. It is a federal constitution

iii. It has a bicameral legislature at the federal level

iv. It identifies the state and the people for which the constitution was made (Nigerians and Nigeria)

v. It has a rigid procedure for amendments

vi. It provides for 36 states and 744 Local Governments in Nigeria and the procedure for creating new ones



(b) Significance of 1999 Constitution of Nigeria; 

i. The Constitution promotes the oneness and unity of the country

ii. Its provisions help in the economic and political development of the country

iii. It marks the beginning of the fourth republic

iv. It stipulates the requirements for identifying or acquiring Nigerian citizenship.

v. It provides for good relations between Nigeria and the international communities

vi. It provides basis for good governance

vii. It provides for legitimacy of government at all levels

viii. It guarantees the rights and survival of the minority

ix. It protects rights of individuals and groups in the country

x. It provides smooth transfer of power from the military to democratic government.