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(a) Explain the term citizenship education (b) State four reason’s for effective citizenship education of…

(a) Explain the term citizenship education

(b) State four reason’s for effective citizenship education of Nigerian youths 


(a) Explanation of Citizenship Education – Citizenship Education involves the process of learning, knowledge components or contents, and skills acquisition to carry out the required activities and attitudes and values (one’s mindset, like or dislike for certain things) about participation in activities of a politically organized society, known as the state, nation or country.

– Citizenship education refers to the process or acts directed at giving members of a politically organized society required knowledge, and developing necessary skills, attitudes, and values that would equip such individuals to function or participate effectively in all activities aimed at enhancing the collective good or development of society

– Citizenship education involves the learning of knowledge, skills, and attitude components for participation in the affairs of the politically organized society at different levels.

(b) Reasons for effective citizenship education of Nigerian youths;

i. It helps to enable the youths to acquire relevant knowledge about the affairs of a politically organized society at all levels.

ii. produce in enlightened youths right attributes and the values of their society

iii. educate citizens of the activities of the government in a democratic society

iv. encourage national unity and national development

v. inculcate in youth a sense of national integration and patriotism towards their society and the nation at large

vi. enlighten citizens on the importance of rules and regulations in the society e.g. rule of law

vii. assist citizens especially youths to discover national issues and find solutions to them

viii. produce enlightened youths who are politically and nationally conscious

ix. prepare the youth for future leadership duties

x. help the youth to develop positive attitudes and values that would promote active participation in the affairs of society